Village Home Rivers Application
For learners new to Village Home Rivers intending to register for 2021/22.

Families will be contacted for an interview shortly after application has been received.
There is a non-refundable $60 Application Fee due for the family prior to scheduling the interview meeting.

Beaverton Campus, 5150 SW Watson
Classes are 9:00am-3:30pm with an optional 8:30am drop-off (supervised, non-instructional time).

TWO-DAY OPTION                              
Mondays and Fridays                              
Available for ages 5-11                          
$3,500/Year + Covid Cleaning Fee                                        
*These details are subject to change, pending board approval June 2021.

Mixed-age classes of 3-4 year age ranges.  Final age groupings for each class determined based on applicant pool.  Must be minimum age for each cohort by 9/15 to apply.
Learner First and Last Name *
Birthdate of Learner *
Learner Grade Level Based on Age *
Estimate the grade level your learner would be at in a traditional school setting.
Parent First Name *
Parent Last Name *
Parent Day Phone *
Parent Email *
Address *
City *
State *
Zip *
Is your learner currently enrolled at Village Home? *
Why are you seeking enrollment in the Village Home Day Program for your learner? *
Our program is less structured than a typical 'school day', and allows learners to pursue their own interests some of the time. Why is this important to your family? *
Previous Academic History *
Please include all schools attended, grade levels, and reasons for leaving. If a homeschooler, please indicate your homeschooling style/preference. Please add first and last name of most recent instructor at school.
Permission to contact previous schools? *
(Answer if applying for the class for ages 11-13;  otherwise, skip this question)  Learner's current reading level:
Learners in this class must be able to read at the 5th grade level or higher. This is not a remedial program designed to assist learners with difficulties reading or writing.  
(Answer if applying for the class for ages 8-10;  otherwise, skip this question)  Learner's current reading level:
Learners in this class must be able to read at the 3rd grade level or higher. This is not a remedial program designed to assist learners with difficulties reading or writing.  
(Answer if applying for the class for ages 5-7; otherwise, skip this question) Learner's current reading level:
Each week, learners will use an online platform to practice math skills.  In order to participate, your learner must be able to follow simple on-screen instructions independently (audio prompts available). Regular reading independent practice will be part of the day but direct reading instruction is not part of this program.
Does this learner have any learning or behavioral challenges (formally diagnosed or not). If yes, please describe.
Include things like dyslexia, anxiety, ADHD/ADD, spectrum-related disorders, sensory integration disorders, oppositional disorder, processing disorders, depression, dysgraphia, etc.
General learning profile *
Please indicate special interests of the applicant and any academic, social, emotional, or behavioral features we should know about your child in order to determine suitability for our program, and to serve your child effectively.
Has your learner ever been expelled or suspended from school, or had disciplinary actions imposed in an educational setting? If yes, please explain. *
Is there anything you would like to share to help us understand your child?
How did you hear about Village Home Rivers? *
I understand that there is an *non-refundable* $60 Application Fee due prior to scheduling the interview. *
I/we understand that admission to Village Rivers is at the discretion of Village Home. *
All learners are welcome at Village Home Education Resource Center regardless of race, age, religion, creed, gender, national origin, sexual orientation, or disabilities. Village Home is located on church property, but is not programmatically affiliated with any religious organization.
When would you like your learner to begin Village Home Rivers? Please indicate Fall, Winter, Spring and year.

Rivers is an all-day, part-time program where their kids can be academically and socially engaged, and inspired to take ownership of their learning.  Rivers launched in 2016 and is a two-day, one-day, or both combined option. Please note, this is NOT designed to be a comprehensive program --- it is only part-time and is supplemental, enrichment, meant to complement your primary curriculum.


September to June (33 weeks)
Student:Teacher Ratio: 16-20:1
NOTE: These are typical ranges.  Likely smaller with Covid protocols.

Mondays and Fridays
9:00 am - 3:30 pm with optional 8:30 am drop-off for all cohorts; Ages 5-7 have optional 1:30 pm pick-up.
Available for ages 5-11
Mixed-age classes of 3-4 year age ranges.  Final age groupings for each class determined based on applicant pool.


1. Cultivate the learner's natural desire to learn.
2. Build self-awareness and awareness of the world around them.
3. Provide opportunity for meaningful social interaction and community.
4. Build learning skills.
5. Engage in individual and group inquiry-based learning.


Each day will have a schedule that includes some free exploration time, some guided group learning opportunities, some individualized online learning, group project-based learning, and some independent work. We maintain our commitment to making learning fun and engaging, while also holding a high expectation for participation.

We are applying over 18 years of experience with facilitating learning engagement to design this program to be a learner-friendly approach to education, with developmentally appropriate academic and social opportunities that support learner autonomy.  

For the three weeks outside of the regular terms of Village Home, the day-program students will participate in a workshop immersion, engage in community service, and prepare for a project presentation.


8:30 - 9:00         Mindfulness & Body/Brain connections
9:00 - 10:00       Opening Sharing Circle
                           Math and language arts mini-practice supplemented with online        
                            resources (subscriptions included in tuition).
10:00- 10:30      Snacktime and Open Exploration
10:30 - 11:30     STEAM Exploration
11:30 - 12:00     Book club discussion and reading
12:00 - 12:30     Lunchtime as a group with conversation
12:30 - 1:00       Outside playtime (rain or shine)
                            Neighborhood exploration
1:00 - 2:30         Thematic Learning with Group or Individual Projects
2:30 - 3:00         Group Closing time/Clean-up Time


Families who value high quality educational opportunities as much as learner autonomy, and who are seeking academic and social enrichment on a part-time basis for their children. In Rivers, the parent is still seen as the student's primary educator. Because this is a cohort-based program, learners in the program need to be functioning academically, socially, and emotionally at or above their grade level.


Application Fee (non-refundable): $60
Two days a week (Mon/Fri): $3,500/year

$150 non-refundable deposit due upon admission
Installment payment plans available (3 or 9 installments)
10% Sibling Discount.
Financial aid is unavailable at this time.

Rivers learners can register for classes on other days in the schedule, and they pay the per-class tuition rate for those. Rules about unattended children on campus (must be in a class, or have a parent on campus) will apply on those days.

Village Home welcomes learners of any race, color, national or ethnic origin, gender, or sexual orientation to all the rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to learners at Village Home. We do not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national or ethnic origin, gender, or sexual orientation in administration of our educational policies, admission policies, financial assistance program, or other administrated programs. Village Home is located on a church property, but is not programmatically affiliated with any religious organization.
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