Living Generously - Lesson 2 HW (08-31-22)

Please enter your email address below.  Your submitted answers will be sent to that email address.  Also, please be open and honest.  I am the only one that has access to the answers, and I'm not trying to match emails addresses to answers.  I will select a few answers to read in Bible Study for us to discuss, but no one will know who gave what answer.
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1. If your money took the stand, how would it answer the question as to whether you seek and heed advice from God in your relationship? *
2. Do you think your life would be better if you had more money? Why or why not? *
3. Is your desire for more money? Or more of God? Can other people tell what your desire is by how you live? *
4. Read James 5:3. What would your silver and gold testify about you? Who is in control when it comes to your money? *
5. Read Ecclesiastes 5:10. When you are in love, how do you act? *
6. Read Matthew 6:24. Are you guilty of serving another master besides God? What is the best thing to do if we are guilty of this crime? *
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