Arboretum Reservation Request
If you are an on-campus group or student organization, please use the campus Room Reservation Request form and choose Arboretum > Interpretive center.

Please fill out this form to the best of your ability. This information will be used to help the Arboretum staff efficiently address your reservation request. 

All Arboretum reservations include exclusive access to the Melva Lind Interpretive Center, patio, and shelter. Renters are welcome to use the Arboretum grounds, but we are unable to guarantee exclusive access as we are open to the public.
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What is your name? 
If your organization is looking to make a reservation, what is the name of the organization?
What is the estimated attendance of your event?
What type of reservation are you interested in?  *
Which day would you like to make a reservation? 
If you don't have a specific date in mind, please list a range of dates you're interested in having your event.
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