SMES Cafeteria Order Form May 27th-May 31st                                    
Each special is $4.50 and we ask that you send in your payment as soon as possible. Payment options now include payment online, cheque or cash. If you are paying cash, all money should be in a baggie or envelope clearly labeled with the student name and their homeroom class. Please mark the bag with the date that your child is ordering. Remember to include each of your children's class after their name (first and last names please). If you are paying online, you can visit this website and go to the sign in tab: 

Please Note: We cannot return meal payment for unscheduled school closures or illness. You may apply the funds from any snow  or sick days (or over payments) towards the next week’s meals.    
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Email *
Total Meals ordered X $4.50 each = Total Amount  (ex. 10 X $4.50 = $45) *
Method of Payment *
Child's name *
Homeroom Class *
My child would like milk with their meal for an additional $0.40 *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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