Los Angeles Golf Classic 2022 Auction Donor In-Kind Information
Thank you so much for your in-kind donation to our Los Angeles Golf Classic 2022 Auction in support of the American Cancer Society!

Please fill out the below to help us keep our auction organized and reach out to Ben Wright, Development Manager - ben.wright@cancer.org or (818) 624-1900 - with any questions or issues. We are incredibly appreciative and so excited to feature your brand!

Please Note - The American Cancer Society will determine how the donated item(s) will be featured for this event or others in order to best benefit the organization and our fight against cancer.
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Donor Company or Name (for event publications) *
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Detailed Description of Donation (Include Quantity, Size, Color, Collectible/Heirloom, or other details necessary to for a full/accurate description on the auction site) *
Restrictions, if any (such as date of use, expiration, etc.)
Fair Market Value of Each Donation (in USD) *
Any other details to share? Thank you so much!
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