St Paul's School Parent Survey
Help us to get an idea of how you are feeling about our work for your child/children.  This survey is based on the OFSTED survey for schools and parent view with a couple of added extras.
Thanking you in anticipation, we hope it does not take more than 10 minutes of your time to complete.
The survey will end the Tuesday after we return from half term break (Tuesday 4th June).
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My child is happy at this school. *
My child feels safe at this school. *
Reception or new families: My child has settled well at school. *
The school expects its pupils to be well behaved. *
Where bullying has occurred the school has dealt with it quickly and effectively. *
The school makes me aware of what my child will learn during the year. *
When I have raised concerns with the school they have been dealt with effectively. *
My child has SEND, and the school gives them the support they need to succeed. *
The school is doing what it can to maintain high expectations for my child. *
My child does well at this school. *
The school lets me know how my child is doing. *
There is a good range of subjects/activities available to my child at this school. *
My child has taken part in clubs and activities at this school. *
The school supports my child’s wider personal development. *
The school communicates effectively? *
I would recommend this school to another parent.
Any other comment?
Of particular interest here is communication- the amount of communication, enough, not enough or what would make a difference.
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