College Park Climate Action Neighborhood CRDC Cooperative Sign Up
GOAL: Encourage the reduction of plastics usage in households, dorms and businesses through education, and provide the opportunity to responsibly recycle residual plastics not covered by the City of Lancaster curbside recycling program through participation in the College Park Climate Action Neighborhood CRDC Cooperative.

VISION: All members of the College Park Climate Action Neighborhood CRDC Cooperative will abide by the rules and guidelines purposefully created to ensure that all participants have a clear understanding of the procedures to collect, package and deliver plastics to the volunteer drivers. Effective 4/15/24 CRDC charges $2 per bag, which is explained in our rules and guidelines. Volunteer drivers provide their time and personal vehicles to deliver our prepackaged, clean, dry, and flattened plastics to the CRDC facility in York, helping reduce our collective carbon footprint.  
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Cooperative Members & Drivers 
Our Cooperative only works with the support of dedicated volunteer drivers and respectful recycling members. Drivers are asked to commit to at least one day a month (or add their name to an on-call list) to transport plastics to the CRDC facility in York. Recycling members are asked to commit to providing clean, dry and flattened plastics for recycling to our driver volunteers.
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