Mobius Discovery Center Pass Program - Survey
Thank you for participating in our pass program! We hope you enjoyed checking out the Mobius Discovery Center.

We want to hear your feedback so we can keep applying for programs such as these that are beneficial to our communities. Please fill this quick survey and let us know your thoughts; all answers will be anonymous. Answers will be shared with the program sponsor (Libraries of Stevens County Foundation).
Inicia la sessió a Google per desar el teu progrés. Més informació
How did you learn about the Mobius Discovery Center pass program? *
How many visits did you make to the Mobius Discovery Center the last time you borrowed the pass? *
How many children under the age of 18 were in your party the last time you used the Mobius pass? *
How many adults 18+ were in your party the last time you used the Mobius pass? *
Overall, how satisfied were you with your visit to the Mobius Discovery Center? *
Very unsatisfied
Very satisfied
Overall, how satisfied were you with the Mobius Discovery Center pass program? *
Very unsatisfied
Very satisfied
How likely are you to purchase day use admission to the Mobius Discovery Center without the pass program? *
Very unlikely
Very likely
How likely are you to purchase a family pass to the Mobius Discovery Center? *
Very unlikely
Very likely
As a result of this program, are you more likely or less likely to revisit the Mobius Discovery Center? *
Very unlikely
Very likely
What did you like most about the program?
How can the program be improved?
Library Branch used to checkout the pass *
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