Community-School Partnership Volunteer Application
Thank you for your interest in the Community-School Partnership Program (CSP). CSP is a partnership between East County Citizens' Alliance and Washougal High School. This program matches community volunteers with Washougal High School students who need support in one or more classes. Please read the details below and complete the form. We'll be in touch shortly after we receive your information.

Program details: 
Under the Community-School Partnership Program, support is provided to students in person, during 45-minute sessions during the school day. Most sessions take place in the high school library. Students in need of help are referred by a school counselor or teacher, but participation is always voluntary. Volunteers receive information and academic materials in advance to prep them to work with each student. 

Volunteers may help in one of two ways: 

1) Provide support on classwork and assignments, under direction from the teacher
2) Facilitate remedial interventions to supplement in-class subject matter

While the focus for any given student varies, establishing a respectful and collaborative relationship is foundational to any tutoring or mentoring relationship. Positive, non-judgmental relationships are essential to student progress.

Volunteers who work consistently with students are often to impact their success in other ways. For instance, volunteers may help students get and stay organized, or offer support and encouragement to students who simply need someone to talk to about school.

Depending on the level and type of student need, volunteers may meet one-on-one with a student, or may meet with a small group of up to four students from the same class.

Volunteers and their assigned student or group will meet once a week, on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Consistency is important. Students form relationships with volunteers, and sudden, frequent changes can be difficult for them. We understand that vacations or illness may sometimes force volunteers to cancel, but please help us keep disruptions to a minimum.  

All volunteers will participate in a general orientation and will receive substantial support in understanding the student's context and needs.  

Volunteers must pass a screening and background check before volunteering with students
. If you are a Washington state resident, the process is free. To submit your paperwork, go to the Washougal School District Office at 4855 Evergreen Way. You will need to show an ID. The process is usually complete in just a few days.

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Your name *
Your phone number *
Your email: *
Please check all the subjects you would potentially like to tutor students in. Consider your capabilities, skills, and interests. You do not need to be expert in a subject to successfully support a student. *
Обязательный вопрос
Please name any training or career experience you may have related to the boxes you checked above. (Note that special qualifications are not necessary.) *
If you can offer bilingual support, please say which other language(s) besides English you are proficient in.
Please describe some of your interests and hobbies.  *
Given your background, what kind of training or preparation do you feel you would need to be an effective tutor/mentor? *
Please complete this sentence.

If given a choice, my preference would be to:
School is in session from 7:45 to 2:30. What hours on Wednesday could you be consistently available? *
Please note any questions, concerns or other thoughts you may have about this volunteer mentor/tutor program and your potential role in it.
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