Application for Gnosis Coaching

Welcome to Alter Braintrust Gnosis Coaching—a world steeped in luminaries and personal evolution. Imagine the impact of working directly with Hope, Julian, and the legends in their community. It's not just coaching; it's a journey of becoming your true self in today's world.

Don't just watch the shift—be the shift. 

Apply now to join a select group who will forge their future. It's a change to elevate, up level, resource like never before. We have limited spots (12 to be exact) and will be selecting applicants based on their motivation and commitment.

**We will be running cohorts, events, retreats throughout the year. Please leave your information below and our team will be in contact to share the best fits for you.

Hope & Julian

In Google anmelden, um den Fortschritt zu speichern. Weitere Informationen
Name *
Where you live (currently) and timezone *
Size of business *
Tell us WHY Gnosis Coaching for you?
Have you worked with a transformation coach before?
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In this transformative journey, what specific outcome excites and inspires you the most to achieve within this coaching group?
Do you have any additional questions for Hope/Julian?
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