Laboratory Customer Satisfaction Survey
We would love to hear your thoughts or feedback on how we can improve your experience!
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Overall, how satisfied are you with the City of Corpus Christi Water Utilities Laboratory?
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If you responded "Somewhat dissatisfied" or "Very dissatisfied" please explain why you chose this response.
Are supplies (i.e. sample bottles, COCs, etc.) readily available when requested?
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What is the average wait time for receiving service when delivering samples to the laboratory?
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How would you rate the friendliness and helpfulness of the staff?  (1 being the best rating, and 5 being the worst)
Very friendly and helpful
Not friendly or helpful
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How would you rate the response to in-person, phone, or email inquiries?
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How would you rate the average speed in which you receive sample results?
Receive results quickly
Often takes too long to receive results
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How would you rate the final report that is received electronically?
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Are there any services not currently provided that would be valuable to you as a client?
Select the values that you feel the Water Utilities Laboratory provides to you as a customer. (Select all that apply)
Suggestions for improvement or any additional feedback
Contact Information
If you wish to remain anonymous, please leave the following section blank.  

*You will not receive a free insulated tumbler unless we have some information to identify you or your water/wastewater system.
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