Kid's aerial silks class - Sundays Level 1
Date: Sundays, Feb 20th, 27th, March 6th, 13th and 20th (5 weeks)
Time: 2:30 - 3:30 pm (NEW TIME)
Event Address: 195 Collegiate St
Capacity: 5 people (ages 7 - 15)* email if you are outside of this age range and want to sign up.
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Participant's Full Name *
Participants Birthday *
 Guardian's full name *
Emergency Contact and phone number *
I understand that due to COVID-19 the spots available for this class are limited to 5 people. The teacher will be wearing a mask and 2 meters (6 feet) distance will be kept between all participants at all times. Exceptions apply if the student requests to be spotted by the teacher only (emergency/ brief exchanges only).  If you have any symptoms of COVID-19 or should be isolating please do not come.   *
Please come between 2:20 and 2:30 pm, come in a mask and ready to train - stretchy/ comfortable workout clothes WITHOUT zippers (you can take the mask off when training)  Upon entry,Please take your boot off outside the main Hall, then  go to the studio and choose a silk.  The class will involve climbs, knots, basic positions and conditioning.  Class ends at 3:30 pm at which time, please collect your belongings and wash or sanitize your hands on the way out. There is another class right before, so please do not come too early. *
The participant's experience in aerial is:
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Payment and Class schedule

-$100 ($20 per class) when you register for the whole session

-$25 drop-in (subject to availability and priority given to people who register for a session)

Your spot is held once payment has been received, please send an etransfer to after completing this form.

*preferred payment method is by e-transfer but cash is also accepted in class

Due to the small size of the class there are no refunds due to cancellations unless I can fill your spot.
Payment method
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Class Description
This class is for beginners or people getting back into the air. You will be introduced to basic hangs, knots, climbs, and a variety of skills and poses. Over the course of the session you will develop increased core and upper body strength and a solid foundation in aerial technique. Mastering the fundamentals is the fastest and safest way to keep learning new skills!

What to Wear:

* Leggings with no zippers and a top that can be tucked in. It is also advised to bring a long-sleeved shirt.

* All jewelry must be removed before you begin for your protection and the protection of the silks.

* Socks can be worn during the warm-up, but they will need to be removed in order to work on the equipment.

Additional comments ( allergies, anything the teaher should know, drop-in date). *
By submitting this form I register and reserve my spot for the class. Should this change, I understand that I need to notify the teacher at *
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