Amy Hale's BETA & ARC Team Sign-Up
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Thank you for your interest in Amy Hale's BETA & ARC TEAM.

BETA books will be unedited, and this should be taken into account. All BETAs will be asked to give honest feedback within one week of receiving the book.

ARCs are available for review purposes and will only be issued one at a time. These require an honest review posted on Amazon, Bookbub and/or Goodreads within one week of Release of Book

If you have any questions, please do hesitate to email
Please put Amy Hale's BETA & ARC Team in the Subject Line.
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Kindle Email *
Please add to your Approved Personal Document E-mail List.
Which role would you like to have on Amy Hale's Team *
Review Name
 The name your review will be under.
Amazon Name & Link
BookBub Name & Link
Goodreads Name & Link
List any other place you will post Reviews.
When you receive an ARC or BETA copy, please note it's only for the intended receiver's eyes. Please do not share it with anyone. *
By electronically signing below (selecting I agree if you agree with our policy): If an ARC or BETA of any story by Amy Hale is received for the purpose of reviewing, it will remain confidential and will not be reproduced, traded, copied, sold or posted anywhere, as this could result in legal action. I will respect the author’s wishes and NOT DIVULGE THE PLOT OR THE ENDING, being careful NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS in my review.
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