MHT In-Person Learning: Spirit Pledge
By taking our Spirit and On-Campus Pledges, you and your families commit to the safety of our children, our teachers, and our most vulnerable community members.  You promise that you will act in accordance with the pledge, and agree to the consequences of such actions.

**Please fill this out one time if you have multiple children.**
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Child First Name *
Child Last Name *
The Most Holy Trinity School Spirit Pledge
The health of a community is entirely dependent upon responsible personal behavior by ALL members. Here at Most Holy Trinity School, we have gone to great lengths to layer multiple mitigation strategies; these have been detailed in our "Reopening Plan." For these strategies to be effective, our students, staff, and families must consistently adhere to personal behaviors outside of school that reflect best practices for limiting the spread of infection. These best practices include the unfailing use of face coverings, keeping physically distant (6 feet or more) from those outside your family or designated group, frequent and thorough hand washing, limited travel, and strict avoidance of all large gatherings.As a school, we cannot be the enforcers of best practices off campus. However, we do expect that you will consistently observe the best practices recommended by the CDC, state, and county.
My family and I pledge to adhere to the MHT School Spirit Pledge, and all other guidelines listed and published by Most Holy Trinity School regarding in-person learning. *
On-Campus Pledge
(Answering on behalf of your child) When on-campus...
I will participate in a daily self-check and health assessment (self-screen using ParentSquare) and wear my mask at all times while on campus.
I won’t attend any in-person events if I am exhibiting any COVID-19 like symptoms.
If I develop any symptoms or test positive/diagnosed with COVID-19, I will notify MHT immediately and follow guidance with respect to campus activities and will cooperate with all contact tracing protocols.
I will maintain appropriate physical distance from others (minimum 6 ft.) at all times.
I will wear a face mask (snug fitting cloth covering with two layers of material or a surgical ear loop mask that adequately covers the mouth and nose) at all times while on campus, except during approved removal times, such as eating, drinking or exercising.
I will wash my hands frequently throughout the day for a minimum of 20 seconds with soap and water. If I am unable to wash my hands, I will use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer.
I will sanitize in and sanitize out of classrooms.
I will avoid touching my face as much as possible.
I will avoid sharing my personal items that are not essential to be shared, such as phones, iPads, pens and pencils.
I will avoid sharing any food items.
My family and I pledge to adhere to the MHT School On-Campus Pledge, and all other guidelines listed and published by Most Holy Trinity School regarding in-person learning and on-campus behavior. *
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