New Client Therapy Request Form
  • ETS is not in-network with any Medicare or Medicaid plans.
  • ETS does not have any prescribers for medication management services.
  • ETS clinicians are not able to provide audio-only (e.g., phone) sessions.
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First Name *
Last Name *
Preferred Name *
Date of Birth *
Are you completing this form for yourself? If not, please list your first/last name and your relationship to the potential client. Please note, if the client is legally an adult, he/she/they will need to complete this form themselves. *
Email Address *
Phone Number (Please indicate Home/Cell/Work) *
May we call you? *
May we text you? *
If we may call you, when is the best time for you to be contacted? Please list a few times/days, if possible. *
May we email you? *
Will you/client be located in New Jersey during your therapy sessions? *
Type of Therapy Needed *
Availability for Therapy (Please indicate which days/times are best for you) *
If you currently have insurance, which company is it through? (Ex. BCBS, Aetna, Cigna, UnitedHealthcare) *
How did you hear about Embolden Therapeutic Solutions, LLC? *
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