We're looking for ARC readers!!

The Cannabis Preacher, Sermon Three', the thrilling hunt for a ruthless killer, the uphill battle to rebrand a company, and a race against time to eliminate suspects in one pulse-pounding financial thriller. 

Dive into Deceit and High Stakes. Once again, the unscrupulous, but charming, founder of Perfect Cannabis Corp. finds himself a suspect…along with almost everyone else. 

 The man reading the paper pushed it away, waving at a passing waitress for a coffee refill.  

“Enigmatic, my ass,” he mumbled and shook his head. “That man was a nasty, mean piece of work, that’s all. I’ve done the world a huge favor.” 

“Everything OK?” his waitress asked, nodding at the wadded-up newspaper beside him. 

“All good, thanks, luv.” Just peachy, he thought, I killed Tadeo Ivers and the police are investigating every which way but mine—I’d call that better than good

 We're searching for ARC readers to join us on this adrenaline-pumping adventure. The Cannabis Preacher – Sermon Three is coming. It’s the 3rd in the Cannabis Preacher Series by Sabine Frisch. If you're up for it, drop a comment or send us a message – your next gripping read awaits! 

Preview here: https://www.thinkingdogpublishing.com/BonusPre/TCPS3Preview.pdf 

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