About Your Dog
Please take the time to complete the questions below to help us ensure your dog has the best experience with us  Browndog Kennels.
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Your name *
Your email *
Your mobile number *
Dogs BREED *
Dogs AGE


What is your dog’s usual diet/food routine?

For example: 8am one cup dried food with tablespoon of natural yoghurt. Rabbit ear at lunchtime. 6pm, one cup dried food mixed with one cup ‘meat’ and one chicken neck.



What kind of bed does your dog prefer?

For example: Crate with no cover – door open.


What your dog’s usual exercise routine?  

For example: 20 minutes off leash before and after work


Does your dog have any favourite toys? 

For example: LOVES a ball – will catch and fetch all day.


What your dog’s usual day-to-day routine? 

For example: Home alone during day from 8am to 4 pm.


Is your dog sociable and enjoy the company of other dogs or do they prefer to be kept separate?

For example: Can be unpredictable around other dogs – best kept separate unless on leash.



Is your dog an escape artist? Will they clear a 2 metre fence or is tunnelling their preferred option?

For example: Can clear 1.8m fence. Has been known to open doors. Occasionally digs for ‘fun’ but not as method of escape.


Has your dog had any incidences of fighting with other dogs or been attacked by another dog?

For example: Had a few scraps when younger, better if kept away from smaller dogs.



What medications does your dog need. Please give a detailed account included type, amount, and schedule.

For example: Stibuomol. Half a tablet 3 times a week. Friday diner, Sunday diner & Wednesday breakfast.



Is there anything else we need to know to ensure your dog gets the best experience at Browndog Kennels?

For example: Feels the cold, likes to be covered in a blanket at night.

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