Registration for Mental Health and Clinical Virtual Reality Seminar Series
Date:             24 - 27 Mar 2025 
Location:      Tung Wah College Campus and online 
Language:    English 
Fee:               None

King's Park Campus, (KPC) 31 Wylie Road, Homantin
Mongkok Campus (A) , (MKA), 98 Shantung Street, Mongkok
Tsim Sha Tsui Campus, (TSTC), 136A Nathan Road, Kowloon

Email:    Tel: (852) 3468 6871 
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Title *
Last Name 姓氏 *
First Name 名字 *
Institution / Organisation *
Email *
Registration for Seminar Events *
Online Via Zoom
Not available
[24 March] Clinical Virtual Reality: A Brief Review of the Future
[25 March] VR Goes to War (Assessment, Stress Disorder, and PTSD)
[26 March] Fighting Pain and Suffering with Clinical Virtual Reality
[27 March] Physical and Cognitive Assessment and Rehabilitation
[27 March] The Evolution of Virtual Human Agents and AI in Clinical Healthcare
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Please advise if you would like to apply CNE or CPD Accreditation

[CNE points for Registered Nurses; CPD points for Registered Occupational Therapists]
[For CPD (OT) applicants] Please provide your contact phone number 
[For CPD (OT) applicants] Please provide your OT registration number 
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