Team Motley Chapter Lead
Team Motley is an international organization that works to bring inclusion and diversity.  Team Motley is a nationally-recognized youth-led organization to promote inclusion and diversity for children. 

We began by publishing a children's book called Motley and we hope to continue our initiative by giving free books to title 1 schools and providing posters and artworks by teens to children to print out and put in their room that talk about inclusion and diversity! 

We have started chapters internationally in Nigeria and Pakistan and we want to get as many chapter leaders as possible. The chapter leads would be organizing and hosting at least one of these activities:
  • Online virtual event with teen artists and writers sharing their work through zoom!
  • We can ship you free books that you could give out for free to underprivileged teenagers in your state!
  • Reach out to people from your school/nearby schools for poetry/story/art pieces about inclusion (children appropriate) and post them in your page.
The chapter lead would have their own page from our website where they will upload the pictures of their events and also introduce themselves! Team Motley will provide resources every step of the way.  Please fill out this form and our team will reach out in 1-2 weeks.
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Email *
Name (First and Last) *
Email *
Where are you from (State, Country) *
Why do you think you would be a good chapter lead? Write as many sentences as you want about your experiences, your passions etc; *
Favorite Joke (Bonus Point to make our team laugh) *
I understand that I will have to host and organize at least one of the events listed in the description *
Do you also want to submit art or writing for our gallery? We will contact you if you about submission process.  *
Any questions or concerns?
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