illum.e 2022 Nov-Dec Holiday Programmes for Upper Sec Humanities (SS/Geog)
Per session - $80
4 sessions - $300 [Package Pricing]

Students from Musclemath x illum.e = 10% off Head Start Programmes 
Group Discount:
2 pax - $270 [10%]
3 pax - $260 [15%]
4 or more pax - $240 [20%]
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Student's name *
Student's contact number *
Parent's name *
Parent's contact number *
Which illum.e Class are you from? [Format: Sec3+ Day + Time]  (Eg. S3 Tues 4.30pm)
Please indicate your interest in the following lessons [You can choose as many as you would like] *

Session 1: Win at Geographical Investigation / Question Type Analysis, Skills, and Format + Bonus Summary Notes
Session 2: Ace at Social Studies SBQ / Skills and Strategies
Session 3: Conquer in Geography SAQ and LORMS + Bonus Notes on Tectonic Hazards / Tourism
Session 4: Surpass in Social Studies DRQ / Skills and Application
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