PMI Rochester - Volunteer of the Quarter
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Volunteer Nomination Form
PMI Rochester is proud to be service oriented and that is why we want to call out our dedicated volunteers!

Each quarter, we ask for nominees who have done an exceptional job for the community; representing PMI Rochester or performing an exceptional job for our Rochester and Ithaca Chapters.

The award recognizes this volunteer to our community. The nominees commitment and dedication reflects the innovation, passion and customer-focused performance of this volunteer.

Nominations may be made by anyone including (but not limited to) the benefactor of the work performed, members, non-members and our Board Members.
Your Name *
Relation to Nominee
Co-worker, manager, benefactor of the work, chapter member, etc.
Volunteer Nominee Name *
Volunteer Email *
Timeframe of work performed *
Brief Statement for the Work that this Volunteer is nominated for
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