Register your interest - Activity Day at Hugs
Join us for a day at the Hugs Foundation in Bodmin and take part in forest school and equine based activities. 
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Due to the nature of the site (working farm) this venue is not accessible and does not have a disabled toilet facilities. Please confirm you understand this and are still able to attend? *
If you are accepted for a place on this activity there will be a charge of £5 per family. Would you require help with this payment? *
Are you or your partner terminally ill? Do you have children under 18? If the answer is no to either then unfortunately we can not offer you a place on this activity. *
Please can we ask what terminal illness you are living with?  (This helps us with funding applications to be able to offer more activities)
Please can we ask the age of the person with a terminal illness? (This helps us with funding applications to be able to offer more activities)
Name *
Partners name if applicable
Names and ages of children *
Email address *
Telephone Number *
Home Address
Do any of your family have any dietary needs?
We would like to keep you up to date with our work please let us know if you would like to receive information on any of the following. Select all that apply. *
How would you like to be contacted? Please select all that apply
Are you happy to be in pictures or videos taken at this event which maybe used in promotional activity such as social media, website etc. Please tick all that apply *
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