CASA Creative Brief
Fill out this form so we can learn a bit more about you.
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Your company name
Your role
Tell us about your company. 
Who are you and what market are you in ? Are you big? Small? FTSE100?
What are you looking for support with?
Want to pick up a wider audience? Social engagement dragging its feet? We can help with it all!
What marketing/content have you done in the past?
Could be that you've been doing TV ads for years or you've just paid for your first social post. We'd like to hear about it and how you think it's been going.
Whats are you hoping to achieve by working with CASA?
What are your objectives in making content? Who is your audience? Do you have any KPIs to meet?
What are the deliverables you'd like us to make for you?
Just looking a for brand audit? Or do you want regular retainer content? Perhaps it's a one off job? If you know what you're making, our cogs can start turning before any meetings.
Have you got a signed off budget?
We work on projects of all shapes and sizes. It's helpful to get some parameters before setting out costs.
How did you hear about CASA?
Word of mouth? Advertisement? LinkedIn post? Instagram... You get the gist.
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