ACE Building Research Capacity Award

The following application is for one award of up to $6000 to support either:

  1. A researcher from a Low-and-middle-income (LMIC) or Global South (GS) country to visit a host institution anywhere in the world to obtain training or collaborate with cultural evolution research. (Application type 1)
  2. An established cultural evolution researcher from anywhere in the world to visit a host institution in an LMIC/GS country. (Application type 2)

We are ideally looking to support visits that are at least 3 months or longer. Visits should be focused on providing training in cultural evolution theory or methods, or developing research collaborations that help advance research capacity in LMIC/GS countries, or contribute to professional development of a scholar from an LMIC/GS country.  Visits can occur in the award year or the following year.

To learn more about the Advancing Cultural Evolution (ACE) initiative, see here.


Applications must be received by March 20, 2023 AoE to be considered.


1. Proposed activity should be related to building research capacity in the field of cultural evolution LMIC/GS countries.

2. Applicant should either be a graduate student or researcher residing or enrolled or employed in an LMIC/GS country (Application type 1), or be an expert in an area related to the field of cultural evolution (Application type 2).

3. Applicant must be a dues paying members of CES at the time of receiving the award, but it is not a necessary condition for applying for the award.

You can renew your membership here. If you are unsure of your membership expiration date, please contact our membership secretary Tim Waring at 


Applications will be reviewed by at least 2 individuals who are in the field of cultural evolution, and may be drawn from the CES executive committee, or a review committee comprised of researchers within the field.

Applications will be scored on the basis of:
  • Impact the outreach activity will have in building research capacity in LMIC/GS countries, or contributing to professional development of an LMIC/GS based scholar.
  • Feasibility of proposed activity and qualifications of the applicant to carry out the proposed activity.
  • Funds should be expended within 2 years of receiving them. 
  • On completing the visit you will be asked to communicate to CES on how the funds were used, what activities took place, and how it impacted your scholarly trajectory (Application type 1), or preliminary indicators of impact on research capacity (Application type 2).

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