AI&ED Community Meeting #2: Adaptive Learning and ChatGPT, Prof. Zach Pardos (UC Berkeley)
You are cordially invited to the second meeting of the Artificial Intelligence in Education Community of TAU Center for AI and Data Science (TAD). In this meeting, we are excited to host Prof. Zach Pardos of UC Berkeley School of Education. Prof. Pardos is a Fellow of The Foundation for the Advancement of Humanities and Social Sciences, an initiative of the Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities.

In this talk - which will be held in English - Prof. Pardos will present the first-even open-source adaptive tutoring system (OATutor) that has been iteratively developed over three years, with field trials in seven college math classrooms, drawing feedback and design implications from students, educators, and researchers. He will also describe how the system can be used as a foundation for exploring large language model integrations, and share nascent results from our first evaluation comparing the learning efficacy of ChatGPT to human tutor-generated hints.

The meeting will take place on Tuesday, 30 May 2023, between 10:30-12:00 (light lunch will be served)at Sharet Building (School of Education), Room 409 (fourth floor).

Please register using this form. Feel free to contact us with any questions or comments.

Dr. Arnon Hershkovitz, School of Education, Faculty of Humanities,
Prof. Goren Gordon, Department of Industrial Engineering, Faculty of
Dr. Shiri Stempler, TAD Center,
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