GBx Best in British Tech Awards 2020
Nominated and voted by the GBx community - nominate your favorite British startup today!

The GBx Best in British Tech award celebrates outstanding impact across innovation, business scale and community by British startups. Winning entries will be exceptional in their success in the US market and globally. Showcase innovation / disruption and present tangible evidence of the company’s impact (financial / social / performance / etc). Past award winners have had an outsized impact and shaped the future direction of their industry.

Entries should be no longer than 500 words. Supporting material may be supplied (email
Nominees do not have to be GBx members

The deadline to enter this year’s GBx Best in British Tech is 1st September 2020.
We will publish brief details of all shortlisted entries. All other information provided in the entry is treated in strictest confidence.
The GBx judges will shortlist nominations. Voting will be open to the GBx member community and attendees of Brits by the Bay.
The chairperson of the judging panel reserves the right to cast any deciding vote should the need arise.
Awards presentation at Brits by the Bay on 17 September 2020.

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British Upstart (UK-headquartered pre-series A, expanding to the US). Please include: founder name, startup name, founder contact details & why you're nominating them.
British Leader (UK-headquartered series A+, expanding to the US). Please include: founder name, startup name, founder contact details & why you're nominating them.
Silicon Valley Explorer (US-based pre-series A). Please include: founder name, startup name, founder contact details & why you're nominating them.
Silicon Valley Trailblazer (US-based series A+). Please include: founder name, startup name, founder contact details & why you're nominating them.
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