Mighty Men of Valor - Watchmen  
Complete this form, in its entirety, to be included in the Mighty Men of Valor - Watchmen Team.  THANK YOU for taking a STAND against this crime! Often times this is considered a "victimless crime" - but we beg to differ! These are precious lives that are being destroyed, (multiple times a day, every day) and we are here to say:
In Google anmelden, um den Fortschritt zu speichern. Weitere Informationen
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Seeing the oppressed set free. Seeing justice for the wicked. Bringing hope to the lost and brokenhearted.
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Why do you want to be a Watchman? *
Experience, interest or skills you bring with you: *
By checking the boxes below, you attest that you DO NOT personally struggle with sexual addictions or pornography & this work will not have adverse effects on you.
By checking the boxes below you also attest that you DO NOT view or participate in pornography of any kind. (Internet, strip clubs, adult stores etc.)
* If you DO struggle with these issues, we can guide you through a Freedom course to address this and help you be free from this - judgement-free, with no condemnation - to live a vibrant, healthy life.
**If it is discovered, at any time, that you do participate in sexual misconduct or pornography of any kind, you will be immediately removed from the Mighty Men of Valor Team. The Freedom series will be available to you at that time.
Addiction & Porn *
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