Healing thru Art Event registration
Event Timing:  Sat. March 18th - Apr. 22th, 2023 or Mar. 10th - Apr. 14th
Event Address: 304 Main St., Farmington, CT 06032 or Virtual (ZOOM)
Contact us at (413) 433-7041 or CarrieS@BeExtra-Ordinary.com
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
Your Full Name *
Email *
Mobile Phone Number  *
Birth date  *
Will you be attending on-site or On-line via Zoom  *
What class/Classes are you registering for? All 6 Weeks or (Saturday on-site Mar 18th, Mar. 25th, Apr. 1st, Apr. 8th, Apr. 15th, Apr. 22nd). 
(Friday virtual Mar. 17th, Mar. 24th, Mar 31st, Apr. 7th, Apr. 14th, Apr. 21st) 
Untitled Title
This program is funded from donations made by generous participants like you!  Payments can be made via Venmo or PayPal.  Suggested Donation 6-week series $333 or $60 per drop-in class.  *
Your thoughts and comments are most welcome!  How did you hear about this event?
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