House expectations & Applicant information
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Email *
Full Name:  First, Middle, Last *
Current Home Address *
Phone number *
House Expectations: 
Expectation page #1: *
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Expectation page #2: *
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Expectation page #3: *
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Expectations Page 4: *
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Expectations Page 5:
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Expectations Page 6: *
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Expectations Page 7:  *
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Describe our current situation. *
Are you a sex offender?  *
How did you hear about Grace Recovery Ministries  *
(1) References, not in prison *
Full Name, Address,  City, State, Phone, Relationship 
(2) References, not in prison
Full Name, Address,  City, State, Phone, Relationship 
Can you pay the initial first months Fee? If yes explain. *
Do you have any children? If yes explain your relationship with them and their mother (guardian)   *
Do you have any pending charges, if so explain.  *
Is there an order of protection against you in the state of Missouri?  *
Are you currently on any prescribed medication?  *
Not that anyone who is heavily medicated due to psychological issues need not apply. We are not a medical center and cannot accept this type of client.  
When was the last time you used drugs, or alcohol or any other medication prescribed by a doctor?  *
Are you in a romantic relationship or any kind, including emotional? If yes please explain.  *
Do you consent to a background check?  *
Is there anything on your background check that we need to be aware of? *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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