MSUBA Workgroup Sign-Up
The MSU Black Alumni Inc. university relations committee has worked with MSU’s administration for several years to analyze data and make recommendations to close the significant graduation gap which exists between Black and white students. The administration has been responsive and included most of our recommendations in both the DEI and 5-year strategic plans recently completed. Now the real work begins and your expertise and passion are needed. Please sign up!
In Google anmelden, um den Fortschritt zu speichern. Weitere Informationen
Please provide your Full Name (First & Last) *
Year of Graduation From MSU *
*if this is not applicable please put N/A here
Please share you preferred email address for workgroup correspondence *
Please double check your email address for any errors prior to submission.
What is your profession or is/was your area of expertise in the workforce or community? *
Try to respond to this and make the connection to your desired workgroup selection
Please describe anything about yourself which could be helpful for the workgroup leaders to know. *
If you do  not have anything to share please write N/A
Which workgroup would you like to join? *
Please provide any suggestions or recommendations for any of the workgroup leaders.
If you do not have any suggestions/recommendations please skip this
Are you a MSUBA dues paying member?
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