Financing for OnPoint Improv
Help out OnPoint by Giving your opinion on our financing option
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Name *
Email *
How would you feel about OnPoint taking on a business sponsor to help fund the show *
Bad God No!
This is Good, Id like to see this
Can you explain why you feel that way or what might be unacceptable?
How would you feel about OnPoint starting a Patreon *
Bad! Please No
Yes this is a good idea, please do
Can you explain why you feel that way or what might be unacceptable?
How would you feel about OnPoint taking a portion of the donations to cover operating expenses. *
Bad, burn it down
I'd like to see this implemented
Can you explain why you feel that way or what might be unacceptable?
Do you have any connections that might be interested in sponsoring OnPoint?
Clear selection
If so who?
Can we follow up with you to help put us in contact with the potential sponsor?
Clear selection
Is there anything you'd like mention or feedback for these plans?
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