Trimester 2 Family Learning Choice Form
It is your family’s choice to determine which learning track you would like to pursue during Trimester 2 of the 2020-2021 school year. You will continue to have the option to change your learning choice each trimester.

Please provide your Family Learning Choice to SLLIS by no later than 5:00 pm on Friday, October 16. Complete this form to indicate which option your family will select for Trimester 2 (November 2 - February 25).

For families with multiple SLLIS students: Please complete a separate form for EACH SLLIS student.

NOTE: There are only 4 spots available for Before School care. Please contact for more information.

Thank you!
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Enter the parent or guardian first and last name. *
Please enter two CURRENT parent/ guardian names and phone numbers. *
Enter your SLLIS student's first and last name. *
Select your student's language program. *
Select your student's 2020-2021 grade level. *
Which option does your family choose for Trimester 2? *
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