Lucra - Quick survey on Real Estate Investing
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In a sentence or two, describe your typical process or workflow that you use to find new investment properties.
What device do you do your research and analysis on normally?
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What are you looking to achieve when choosing an investment property?
What type of properties are you most interested in?
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How would you classify your investing style
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What tools do you use to find investment properties? select all that apply
How interested are you in short term/vacation rentals properties?
Not interested
Very interested
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How do you analyze properties today?
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If you use online tools, which do you use?
What criteria do you use to evaluate a location to buy an investment property? select your top 5
What criteria do you use to evaluate a property once you decide on a location? Select your top 5
What frustrates you most about trying to find investment properties?
Once you have found a property you like, what is your biggest fear when decided to put an offer in on the property?
When you're looking for an investment to buy, how much time on average do you spend researching and analyzing real estate markets and properties per month?
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Would you be willing to pay for a solution that can find optimal real estate markets (good returns and rents) and recommend properties that are matched to your specific investment goals?
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How much would you be willing to pay for a tool that does the research and analysis for you before it seemed too expensive?
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Visit What might prevent you from signing up? Be as specific as possible.
Do you know other investors that might be interested in this survey? Please add their emails below.
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