3/16/24 Civilian Response to Active Shooter Events 3pm-5pm (Wallum Hall)

The class is taught by seasoned law enforcement professionals, is used to train across the nation in how to rapidly respond to dangerous active threat situations. Over the years we’ve seen response times shorten and the capabilities of law enforcement increase. As a result of increased public awareness, many citizens have asked what individuals can do protect themselves and reduce the dangers faced during one of these events. The presentation begins with the history of active shootings that have happened in the United States which will show how law enforcement and rescue personal respond and provide the knowledge of what can be done to protect yourself, family and friends during an attack.  These tactics can be used anywhere such as schools, shopping malls, churches, etc...

                 Course LengthApproximately 2 hours; can vary based on class size and class participation.

                No Cost for members and guests

*There is a processing fee for paying with a credit card already added in the total amount
**Please enter information for all required fields, specifically:
For the "Department field" please list Training and Education
For the "class name field" please list the class name 3/16/24 Civilian Response to Active Shooter Events For the "member ID field" please list your "member ID number" if you have one, if non-member list "N/A"

All registration and questions can be directed to training@wallumlake.com
Name *
Email *
Address *
Phone number
Are you a Wallum Lake Member?  If so, what is your badge number? *
Where did you hear about this class?
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