Pledge to Donate to St. Jude Children's Research Hospital!
PyraHacks is a free online hackathon open to students anywhere in the world. PyraHacks has two main objectives: Inspire students to become problem solvers using computer science and biotech. And raise money for St. Jude Children's Research Hospital - problem solvers researching and sharing cutting edge medical techniques daily.

PyraHacks is set up were teams are encouraged to create as many high quality software projects as possible. PyraHacks is collecting pledges of $10 to be donated to St. Jude for every project a student creates. St. Jude saves children's lives while finding new cures for cancer and sharing their research worldwide. By pledging to St. Jude through PyraHacks, you support St. Jude and encourage our youth to learn more about computer science and biotech.

Please fill out the form below and remember any number of pledges helps!
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Pledge Form
Your First and Last Name? *
What is your email address? *
What is the maximum amount of money you are willing to give to St. Jude through PyraHacks pledge drive?  USD assumed please specify otherwise *
(Not Applicable to individual pledgers) Your organization's name, website, and link to logo? We will add your organization as a PyraHacks' sponsor as long as its in the realm of our code of conduct.
Do you wish to remain anonymous? (We will shout out our pledgers; except those who choose to remain anonymous.) *
Did someone attending PyraHacks refer you here? If so who?
Thank You! Your Generosity is GREATLY Appreciated!!!
We will follow up with you after PyraHacks ends on June 12th.
After PyraHacks, how would I know how much and where to donate?
We will inform everyone via email how many projects were made in the hackathon, and then you can donate your pledged money directly to St. Jude through PyraHack's St. Jude fundraising page linked below.

PyraHacks St Jude Fundraising Page:

If you are or know a student interested do not hesitate to join us!
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