2023 Board of Directors Application (US-only)
Thank you for your interest in running for SSDP Foundation's Board of Directors! Being a Director on SSDP’s Board gives students an active and central role in SSDP's decision-making process. Serving as a Board member of one of the nation's most prominent drug policy reform organizations is a great honor and tremendous responsibility, so please take your time when filling out your responses and be mindful of the commitment that will be required in the event you are elected. We are looking for Board candidates that demonstrate dedication, creativity, resilience, teamwork, enthusiasm, and consistency. We look forward to working with you!  

This position is for members that are based in the United States of America. If you are a non-US member that is interested in joining the Board, please contact Róisín Downes (roisin@ssdp-intl.org) or visit the SSDP International website! SSDP International - Home (ssdp-intl.org)

*Disclaimer: A Board position is NOT an organizing position. If you are looking for ways to get more involved on an organizing level (e.g. campaigns, trainings, events, resource development) please contact your Movement Building Fellow.

Congress Committee, Board of Directors <3

********************************** IMPORTANT INFO BELOW ****************************

☞ Application submission deadline is February 7th at 11:59pm PDT/February 8th at 2:59am EDT
☞ Responses to questions that are marked by "💊" may be accessible by the network
☞ Voting opens  Tuesday, March 7, 2023 at 3pm PDT/6pm EDT
☞ Voting closes  Wednesday, March 8, 2023 at  3pm PDT/6pm EDT: votes will be counted and the results will be announced virtually on Friday, March 10th at 9am PDT/12pm EDT via email
☞ Upon application submission, candidates will be paired with a current board member to act as a mentor and point of contact during the application/Congress process.

********************************** IMPORTANT DATES **********************************

For folks joining our newest board class, please keep the following dates open.

☞  Robert’s Rules of Order Training:  Monday, March 20, 4-5pm PT/7-8pm ET    
☞  Board Director & Committees Training: Tuesday, March 21, 4-5p ET
☞  Implicit Bias Training: Wednesday, March 2, 3-4pm PT/6-7pm ET
☞  Mock Board Meeting: Friday, March 2, 3-4pm PT/6-7pm ET


Email *
Name (first & last) 💊 *
Pronouns 💊 *
Name of school or community of SSDP chapter (spell out completely) 💊 *
Example: University of Texas at Austin (not "UTexas")
Phone (will not be public)
Major(s)/ Minor(s)/ Areas of Study (if applicable) 💊
I have read the following qualifications for student directors, I understand them, and I meet them. *
At least two-thirds of the sitting student and appointed Directors must be students elected by Congress. A “student” is an individual accepted, presently enrolled, committed to enrolling within one year of election, or having graduated or paused school less than six months before election, in a college, university, post-secondary educational institution, or other educational institution as determined by the Board, either full- or part-time; or a full-time student at a private or public high school. If at any time the number of students on the board falls below two-thirds, due to the vacancy among the Student Directors created by resignation, removal, disability or death, the board shall remain operative and replace the vacant seats at the following Congress. It it is the intention of the Board of Directors to adopt an expansion of qualifications to allow students and young people who are active chapter members to be nominated to run for a board seat. If you are a student, please review the qualifications at ssdp.org/about/bylaws. If you are a young person who is an active chapter member but not a student, please note that there will be forthcoming information regarding qualifications to serve on the Board of Directors.
Age (will not be public)
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