Parent Help for Sport in Term 2 - Winter Sport and Cross Country
Kia ora koutou,

We have two sport events in term 2 that require parent help.

Cross Country
Our whole school cross country is on Tuesday the 11 May in the afternoon and requires parent help to marshal the course.

Weekly Winter Sport
Winter Sport starts on Thursday afternoon week 5 and lasts for ten weeks. This year we will be playing local games with schools from within our zone. We need parents to manage teams at their games. This ideally would involve refereeing the game. If you have prior experience, coaching or playing, that is great and it is not essential. We will have a parent information evening to set you up with the skills and knowledge to ref and manage the team.

Our main priority is to have an adult assigned to each team for games. Please also let us know if you'd also be available to offer a lunch time practise.

Hockey will be help at Beckenham Park
Netball will involve a walk to a local school
Football will involve a walk to Hansen's Park

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Your child's name *
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What events can you help with? *
What sports team could you manage for winter sport?
Would you be available to offer lunch time practises?
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