Victorylang Placement Test 
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For the following questions, choose the best word or phrase (A, B or C). 

 I ................ got a computer but I’ve got a tablet. 

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Sue: I love Rita Ora! ................ her? 

Mike: No. I prefer Ed Sheeran. 

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Marie: ................ play a musical instrument, John? 

John: Yes. I play the piano. 

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That’s Jana. She’s ................ to her friend. 

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Amy: Where ................ you yesterday?

Jill: I was at my grandmother’s house. 

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Angel: Messi’s the ................ footballer in the world.

Ricardo: No, he isn’t. Ronaldo is! 

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I ................ to the radio every day. 

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Dad: Where are you going?
Mum: To the ................. I need to buy some boots. 

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Mary is very ................. She always helps me when I have a problem. 

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You ................ tell anyone – it’s a secret. 

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When I was five I ................ swim but now I can. 

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While we ................ to school, it started snowing. It was beautiful! 

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Harry: What are you doing tonight?
Ben: I ................ basketball with Michael. Do you want to come? 

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I haven’t finished cleaning my bike ................. 

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If ................ to the concert later, ................ with you. 

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He’s a ................. He writes articles for the newspaper. 

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Customer: I’d like a ................ of pizza, please. 

Server: Of course. Here you are. 

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George: These trousers are a bit big.

Dad: Yes, I think you need to buy a ................

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That is the man ................ name I can’t pronounce. 

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My best friend isn’t ................ my sister. 

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Can you turn the music down, it’s ................. 

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James: What ................ if you ................ €100 in the street?

Lisa: I’d give it to the police. 

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My brother and sister ................ play football together when they were younger. 

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I enjoyed ................ my homework last night. 

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Mum: What’s the matter?
Natalie: I sang too much at the concert and now my throat is ................. 

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I am very ................ in learning Chinese next year. 

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If I don’t know a word I always ................ using an online dictionary. 


I’ve lived in London ................ 20 years but I’ve never visited London Zoo. 

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By this time next week, we ................ our exams and we’ll be on holiday! 

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This film, ................ won three Oscars, stars Johnny Depp and is directed by Tim Burton.

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It ................ John who used the computer because he doesn’t know the password. 

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If you ................ football for five hours you ................ so tired. 

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I wish I ................ as well as her. She’s got such a lovely voice. 

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When we entered the church it was ................ inside. 


My teacher is very good ................ grammar. 

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Sally, could you ................ me some money, please? 

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For the following questions, choose the best word or phrase (A, B, C or D).

Tom: Where are you? ................ here for an hour. 

Emma: Sorry. I missed the bus. 

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It was ................ hot that we decided to stay at home.

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The ................ I concentrate the ................ I finish my work. 

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You ................ brought food. We have got plenty here. 

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We’ll play a game tonight ................ you have done your homework. 

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You won a prize for your paintings, ................ 

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The ................ from the airport into London was expensive but quick.

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When I ................ money, I usually take out €40 from the cash machine. 

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Max always ................ his important computer documents on an external drive. 


If the computer doesn’t work try ................ it off and on again. 

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The suspect ................ being near the bank at the time of the crime. 

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The man is believed ................ over a thousand marathons since he started. 


Paul didn’t like decorating so he got a professional decorator ................ his flat for him. 


................ all her emails, she switched off her computer. 


If you’re angry, just tell him. You should get it off your ................ . 

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You should take a few days off work. It won’t ................ you any harm.


Slow down, Barry. I can’t ................ you. 

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Budapest is a wonderful city full of culture and ................ in history. 


I liked my new English teacher, ................ was fortunate, as she also was teaching us history. 

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Mum: Laura, have you done the dishes yet?
Laura: Well, I ................ doing them, but then I had to answer my phone. 

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................ the film started when the phone rang. 

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Do you remember ................ your bed when you were a child? 

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My aunt Jane bears a(n) ................ resemblance to a famous rock star.

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My sister and my father like to win. There is a competitive ................ running through our family. 

Read the following text and answer the questions below.

What was one of the problems with the first bike sharing system? 

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What does the writer say about the bike sharing system in France? 

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What does ‘they’ (line 11) refer to? 

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What’s the topic of the last paragraph? 

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How does the writer feel about bike sharing systems? 

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Read the following text and answer the questions below.

What’s the writer doing in the text? 

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What does ‘never-ending tests’ (line 3) mean? 

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According to Derek, how are democratic schools different from more typical schools? 

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What does the writer learn about the classes in the democratic school? 

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How does the writer feel about democratic schools? 

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Read the following text and answer the questions below.

Why does the writer use the example of the flute? 

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In the second paragraph, what does the writer suggest about music? 

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In the third paragraph, what reason is given for the increase in young people learning an instrument? 

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What does ‘this’ (line 19) refer to? 

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How does the writer feel about the future of music? 

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Read part of an email you have received from an English-speaking friend. Write an email answering your friend’s questions. 

Write 75–100 words. 

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At school you have been discussing the best way to study. Your teacher has asked you to write an essay. Read the statement and write an essay discussing both views. Then give your opinion. 

Write 150–180 words. 

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