Foundations of Marketing for Small Businesses Sign Up
Foundations of Marketing for Small Businesses is a workshop series led by KSU alum and experienced entrepreneur, Angelique Wong. The series will include six workshops, each centered around a different aspect of marketing for your small business. They will all be held in room 247 at the DI Hub from 6pm-7:30pm (virtual option available). The schedule is as follows:


2/1: Session #1 (Brand identity, Content pillars)
  • In this session, we’ll be establishing who is the brand, what kind of message you want to present and what problems you solve.  Why did you start your business? You’ll learn the foundations of your mission and how to start presenting that in your marketing.
2/15: Sessions #2 (Audience, Demographics, Target market)
  • It is important to understand and narrow down our target market! If we don’t know who we are trying to reach, we can’t direct our marketing.  In order to figure this out, we have to understand our market and our industry a little more. In this session, you’ll learn how to figure out your target market. 


3/1: Session #3 (Platforms)
  • In this session, we’ll figure out the best way to reach your target market ! Not everyone is on every platform! Your industry may have unique ways to reach someone. We have some platforms that are standard but you can make them work more for you! 
3/15: Session #4 (Automation)
  • It's important to create an efficient process from early on. In this session, we’ll go over different free or affordable platforms to help make your marketing more consistent and not feel like as much of a burden. 


4/5: Session #5 (Consistency)
  • Consistency, finding a rhythm, To see growth, we’ve got to be consistent. It can be difficult to find your rhythm at first and balance it with life. It’s important to remember as an entrepreneur to set your own pace. 
  • Goals, measurable and intentional.
  • Your goals for your marketing have to be measurable and attainable. If you want to hit a certain follower count, you need to figure out what steps you’ll take to get there. 
4/19: Session #6 (Growth and Planning)
  • How can you grow? If you grow, how can you manage it? 
  • Planning your content takes A LOT of time. Planning and strategy is one of the most essential parts of success in your marketing especially as a small business. Time is limited while balancing life so you’ve gotta be intentional with how you use it. 
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Do you have a business you're currently working on? Tell us about it. *
Do you intend on attending one or more of the workshops listed above? *
Are there any specific topics you'd like to see discussed?
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