Spectre Spirit Support

Introducing Spectre Spirit Support; mental wellness for the F&B industry.

We are excited to announce the launch of Spectre Spirit Support, created in partnership with licensed psychologists and counselors based in Singapore to offer up to 100 hours of complimentary and confidential therapy for our Spectre team and fellow individuals in the F&B community at large.

We understand that the dynamic challenges and stresses of working in the F&B industry can be overwhelming and believe that no one should face them alone. Spectre Spirit Support is designed to bridge the gap in accessibility to mental wellness resources across the community and provide you with a safe space to express yourself, gain insights, and work towards a healthier, happier you with the simple hope of normalising therapy at our workplace.

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Why Choose Spectre Spirit Support?

∞ Confidentiality: We respect your privacy. Your sessions are completely confidential, allowing you to open up without fear or judgment.

∞ Professional Certified Guidance: Our carefully selected therapists and coaches are here to listen, support, and guide you on your journey to well-being.

∞ Flexibility: Sessions are available online, making it convenient for you to access support from the comfort of your own space. Additional charges may apply for in-person meetings to cover the cost of room bookings, etc.

∞ Community-Centered: We're dedicated to strengthening our community's mental and emotional well-being. Your participation helps us pitch to step-boards and secure additional funding resources for free/subsidised therapy for our peers.

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