Wilson MS Yearbook Class Application
Do you enjoy photography, graphic design, or working with a group on a common goal? If so, joining the yearbook staff might be just the thing for you! Students on the yearbook staff take pictures, design the page layouts, interview fellow students, and decide the best way to preserve the year's memories.

While much of the yearbook can be worked on independently, staff members will be required to attend some after school meetings and/or work sessions.  

To be selected for the yearbook is an honor. Staff members are expected to have exemplary behavior, good attendance, maturity, and the ability to work well with others. If a student's behavior and attendance become a problem, he/she may be removed from the staff.

Please review this application with your guardian. Ensure that they understand and support your interest in applying for the staff.

Application Deadline: April 1, 2024

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Email *
Student First Name *
Student Last Name *
Current Grade Level *
Six Digit ID Number *
Are currently attending Wilson Middle School? *
If you answered no to the previous question, what school are you currently attending? 
WILSON STUDENTS ONLY: Did you select Yearbook as your first, second, third, or fourth choice for electives?  *
1) Please list anything that you've done in and out of school that you think shows you are an interested, motivated student who is willing to take on a challenge. You can also include information about any additional experience you have in the areas of photography, artistic design or writing. Such as classes, camps, awards, honors, leadership positions, volunteer experience etc. *
What sports (both in and outside of school) do you plan on participating in next year and when/how often do they practice? (If you don’t know, just guess/give an estimate) *
We are looking for people with all different skills and talents to make up our team, you don’t need to be the best at everything. Check each category where you feel you are good at. (You can check as many as boxes as needed.) *
Great yearbook captions do two things: they inform readers and they entertain while doing it. Said another way, the captions you add to your yearbook photos should tell stories. Using your imagination and creativity create captions for the following photo. Use the following format to write your 4-sentence A.B.C.D. caption. A) Attention Getting Phrase B) Basic Information that can be seen in the photo C) Complimentary Information that helps the reader understand the photo D) Direct Quote from someone in the photo (You can make up the quote.) Here is an example of a good caption for another photo: Yearbook staffer Arev Avedian, grade 8 uses her long lens to capture photos of the high-speed action at a football  game. Arev attended two practices and three games in order to interview and take photos for her football yearbook page. “A lot of people don’t realize how much work it takes to complete a yearbook assignment. But, it is my favorite class of the day,” said Arev. *
Captionless Image
Personal Statement:  Please tell me a little bit about yourself, explain WHY you would like to be on the Yearbook staff, and WHAT you feel you have to offer the program. Why should we choose you? *
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