Submit Your Questions | Access to Experts: Spotlighting AAPI Women in Nonprofit Leadership
Tuesday, June 1, 6:00 pm

Guest Speakers:
Vida Chan Lin - President and Founder, Asian Community Development Council (ACDC)
Nicole Santero - Director of Communications, OCA Las Vegas; Director, Nevada Minority Health and Equity Coalition
Leora Dumanlang - Administrative Coordinator, ACLU NV; Secretary, UNLV FASA

We will discuss the AAPI impact in the social sector, how AAPI nonprofits navigate to support AAPI communities, and how we can inspire emerging AAPI leaders to pursue social work.  We will begin the event with a moderated Q&A and then provide time for attendees to also ask questions.  You may submit your questions now by filling out the form below.  Thank you.
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Submit your question(s) for the speakers in the space below. We will do our best to share as many of your questions as possible with the speakers throughout the Q&A. You will also have an opportunity to ask additional questions during the audience Q&A using the chat box.
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