Read early. Read often./Talk, Read, Sing Trusted Messenger Training Survey
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Read early. Read often./Talk, Read, Sing Trusted Messenger Video - Please click to view if you haven't already and then take a second to answer the following questions in this survey.
Please select one the answer below to describe your understanding of the Read early. Read often; Talk, Read, Sing (RERO/TRS) Initiative after this  training. *
Please let us know how your knowledge about early brain development changed. *
Did this training impact your level of comfort with talking to families about early brain development. *
Did this training increase your commitment to talking to families about the importance of reading, talking and singing with their children from birth? *
How did the data provided in this training effect you? Check all that apply *
I look forward to sharing the following resources as a Trusted Messenger.  Check all that you are able to make use of in the next couple of months. *
I would like to receive the Great Start/ Read early. Read often. E-Newsletter so I can stay up to date on resources for young children in Muskegon County. *
Please list any questions you have here. *
Your phone number *
Please share your comments or suggestions about this training, the resources we highlighted AND/OR the overall initiative here.  We are eager to do whatever we can to close the 30 million word gap and help every child start school with a reader's advantage.  Your criticism, ideas and reactions to everything we have shared is very valuable.   *
Organization Name (IF you represent an organization or service when you share books and early literacy messages. ) *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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