Commuter Choice Challenge
Check at least one of the following activities and submit this form by June 1, 2023 to be entered into a drawing for your choice of prizes including cycling gear, work-from-home accessories, the assistance of Commuter Choice program in bolstering employee education, and other prizes still to be named.   
Check just one box to enter, but check two to five and you'll receive two entries, check six or more boxes and you'll receive three entries in the prize drawing.
Note that your organization must be a member of the Maryland Green Registry, but joining is free and easy to do. Just go to and take a few minutes to complete a member profile that will add your story to the hundreds of other Maryland businesses and organizations working toward a sustainable Maryland.   

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Our organization is a Commuter Choice Maryland Employer Partner. 

Our organization uses the Maryland Commuter Tax Credit OR if that tax credit cannot be claimed, offers subsidies for transit, vanpooling, carpooling, biking, walking, teleworking, cash in lieu of parking, guaranteed ride home, or hail services for the last five miles between transit and workplace.

Our organization provides employees tax free commuter benefits covered by the​​ Federal Transportation Fringe Benefit​.  
Our organization is located near public transit.
Our organization promotes employee commute programs and alternative transportation through information and/or events.
Our organization promote​s use of the incenTrip mobile application.
Our organization facilitates formation of carpools/vanpools/ride matching.
Our organization provides preferential parking for carpools and vanpools.
Our organization has installed bicycle racks or lockers.
Our organization has installed shower facilities for bicyclists and walkers.
Our organization promotes bike sharing and electric scooter programs.
Our organization promotes the Guaranteed Ride Home program OR has started an employer-sponsored GRH program because our organization is not located in the Commuter Connections GRH service area. 
Our organization provides employee shuttle service to transit stations.
Our organization has a telework program.
Our organization offers a compressed work week option.
Our organization has implemented other innovative approaches to inform and incentivize smarter, greener employee commuting.  Please share here. 
Please feel free to share any employee commute program successes, challenges, and lessons learned (optional). 
Your name *
Your organization *
Your email address *
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