LTC Volunteer Form
Lowell Telemedia Center documents the latest municipal news, local events and other stories connected to Lowell. By volunteering you have the opportunity to observe and engage with various communities within Lowell, learn and practice many kinds of media, and develop your own personal voice and sense of community. We hope you consider volunteering with us and look forward to working with you!
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Email *
Full Legal Name *
Preferred Name and Pronouns
Other Contact Info (phone number, social media, fax, etc.)
What kind of productions would you like to work on? (please select all that apply)
What motivates you the most to volunteer at LTC?
What are you interested in doing as a volunteer?
What equipment do you have experience with?
Have you been/worked with LTC before
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Are you interested in taking media classes?
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Are you interested in making your own show (podcast, television, short film?)
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If yes, tell us just a little bit about your idea. Perhaps we can help!
What is your general availability?
Is there anything else you would like us to know about your schedule?
How many hours a week/month could you see your self contributing?
Is there anything else you would like us to consider? Comments? Questions? Perhaps you noticed a typo?
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