Happy Accidents Street Team 
Are you super excited for Happy Accidents, want to read a free, early copy, and help me shout into the void about it for the cover reveal, release day fun, and reviews?

Thank you so much for your interest in Happy Accidents by Alaina Rose!

Signing up for the street team may (tbd) be the only way to receive an electronic advanced review copy of Happy Accidents. There are no requirements re: posting, reviewing, tagging, sharing, or anything like that but this is a way to keep me organized and to, ideally, increase my book’s reach. My one rule is please do not tag me (or any author, really) in 1-3 star reviews.

I plan to send electronic advanced reviews copies two to four weeks before publication date, July 12, 2023. You can expect ARCs in early/mid June.

Signing up for an eARC--a free copy of my novel--is an agreement in exchange for an honest review, ideally posted on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Goodreads, Instagram, TikTok, and anywhere else you share reviews.

Please note that you will only be contacted in the event that you are granted an eARC. Filling out this form does not guarantee an early copy of my novel. Thank you for understanding these parameters!

Happy Accidents blurb & content warnings:

Nine months after his dad’s death, Danny Callaghan is still grieving. He keeps busy running Handy Danny’s Workshop, helping out at his family’s restaurant, and giving away too much of his time for free. The last distraction he expects is Lacey Cherry, his best friend’s other best friend, aka his high school rival, to show up, literally, on his doorstep.

Lacey has been avoiding Starling Hills since high school, but she’s back home after her grandma’s death. She desperately needs somewhere to stay while she ties up loose ends, and it can’t be the house she grew up in. Lucky for her, there’s an open room at her best friend’s house. It just so happens that her know-it-all nemesis, Daniel, also lives there.

They haven’t seen each other in over ten years. They are adults now. They can be civil… right?

As if living in the same house isn’t bad enough, Danny and Lacey start running into each other all over Starling Hills. Their quibbling escalates to a fever pitch, until Danny—handyman extraordinaire—offers to help Lacey get her grandma’s house in shape to sell it.

Working together for once, Danny and Lacey begin to see different sides of each other, complete with fireworks that are impossible to ignore.

Are these happy accidents enough to keep Lacey in the town she’s been running from? Are they enough for Danny to ask her to stay?

Happy Accidents is the second novel in an interconnected series set in Starling Hills.

Content warnings: graphic, on-page, consensual sex, processing grief, parental death (past), grandparent death (past), grief support group meetings, brief discussions of anti-queerness (off page, in past), mostly absent alcoholic parent, swearing, drinking, hospital setting with mild medical descriptions, the need for emergency surgery (no graphic descriptions).

Everyone who helps out on the street team will be entered into a huge giveaway! One winner will receive signed paperback copies of Relative Fiction and Happy Accidents, swag stickers, and a $20 USD Amazon gift card. Winner will be drawn and notified after release day, July 12, 2023.
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