Sign Up for Clarksville's Heat Wave Check-In Program
This summer, the Town of Clarksville's Beat the Heat initiative is piloting a new program to improve communication with residents who want to be connected with heat-related resources and information when it is hot outside. By signing up for this program, you will receive text messages from Clarksville's Heat Relief Coordinator when we're expecting to see a heat index of 95° or higher. You'll receive information on how to stay cool at home, the signs and symptoms of heat-related illnesses, and tips on how to best check-in on people in your network who are most vulnerable to heat. To sign up, fill out the brief Google Form below.
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What is your name?
What phone number can you be reached via text message?
What is your email address?
Why are you signing up for the program?
If you're signing up so you can check on others in your community, how many people do you think you will be checking on this summer?
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If you're signing up so you can check on others in your community, what is your relationship to the people you're planning to check on?
What kinds of resources would be most helpful for you to receive?
Are you currently subscribed for Clark County's Heat Alerts?
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Signing up for Heat Alerts and Polling for the Check-In Program
Clark County's Heat Alerts can alert you via SMS, voice call, or email whenever the National Weather Service issues a Special Weather Statement, Heat Advisory, or Heat Warning. In addition to signing up for this program, you are encouraged to use Emergency Management's Smart-911 service to create an account and sign up for these alerts. Just use the link below to set up an account and then sign up for the "Heat Alerts" option and any other notifications you'd like to receive.

Link to Clark County Emergency Management's Smart 911 system:
Is there anything else that you would like us to know?
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