Welcome love! 

I am doing something I've never done before and that tells me what is ahead will be reflected back tenfold.

If you've been in my world for any amount of time, you know I believe in the moment to moment actions of calling in what we desire. When we can get crystal clear on those moments we can create anything. I am living proof of that. 

The last several months I have been in the biggest incubator of my life. I wasn't sure what was coming out on the other side or what life would look like. In full transparency, I wasn't even sure I had it in me to do it *all*. I have had many moments of disbelief, doubt, and fear flood my nervous system but here is what I can tell you ... in each new moment I knew there was something in motion that would forever change me. 

And it did. 

I am ready to share that *ALL* with you. Are you ready to do the same? 

This application is intentionally set up just for you. I am doing things different around here and after 9 months of deep integration and implementation I've never felt this level of embodiment like I currently am experiencing. 

8 cohorts and over 70 women have walked through the We Will Rise Mastermind program. And a new paradigm is emerging. There has been one big present theme throughout ... The healing happens in the conversation and together is more powerful than one.

The questions written below were designed to activate pieces of you that invite you to sit in the seat of your own momentum. These are questions I ask myself daily in my own personal development and have radically allowed me to step into my own self responsibility and make investments that have best served my heart and business. Even when it hasn't made any sense (and I truly mean THAT)

So, it's time to dive in. 

Take a moment to get centered. Here we call in the highest truth and compassion to seal this application with the highest frequency of love. There is no right or wrong answer. Just your deepest body wisdom and self leadership left on the page. 

I will sit will each of your answers and only be selecting those that are a full body YES to this iteration of WWRM. 

Once applications are received, I will be sending out sacred invitations to join us on this epic 6 month experience. This container and the conversations to be had inside will be unlike anything you've experienced before. 

Once you've accepted your invitation, you will have 48 hours to complete the WWRM intake form and your first payment or your spot will be released. 

Please only complete this application if you have the resources to invest now if accepted. 

I can't wait to read what you have to say and welcome you into the legacy that is We Will Rise.

xo Andee

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What is your name? (First and last please!) *
What is your email? *
What is your timezone? *
What is your IG handle? *
Answer: Who am I really? Without the mask of who I think I need to be ...
Answer: When I walk in the highest frequency of who I am… (describe the feelings and embodiment of this)
Answer: When you think of your life’s work/purpose in the world, what is the story that has led you to this place?  *
Answer: What is the fear/gap that REALLY holds you back from really going after the success/desire? Get super super super honest with yourself here
Answer: How does deeply believing in yourself impact others? How does it create a ripple? *
Answer: What do you really want when you dream BIG?? (No guilt here … get honest!) *
Why do you desire to join this specific cohort of WWRM? *
What does your commitment and integrity look and feel like? *
What are you excited to bring to this container?  *
We will be creating an environment and opening the doors both ways for full transparency ... are you available from September to February to do so as well and go ALL IN on that with us? *
What is your pattern in a group setting? *
The We Will Rise Mastermind program is not just a normal coach - client - group type of container ... especially for the new paradigm that is Cohort 9. 

I will be right alongside you and your cohort sisters will be right alongside you too. 

We will rise together, because when you rise, we rise and as we rise, you rise. 

In full transparency, if you decided to go all in with us there will be moments that will invite you to take the lead and then moments to lean in and simply listen. There will be times of wild expansion celebration and then others of holding it all for yourself and others. If you ever felt triggered by me or another woman in this container, how would you navigate that?
If you could ask any question, not a "HOW" question, what would you want to ask? *
Answer your own question above here: *
This program is an intimate, immersive and clean experience. Which one of these answers applies to you. *
I understand this is an intensive, high level program that includes 1:1 coaching, group coaching, EXCLUSIVE retreats that include food & accommodations (flights are not included). *
Is there anything at all that you would like to ask me?? *
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