Take the Pledge for Healthy Communities and a Healthy Planet
This Earth Day, Montanans pledge to stand together, though physically apart, to advocate and build more resilient communities and a healthy planet.

In the midst of a global pandemic that is exposing both local and global inequities and failed systems, and the unfolding climate crisis, we realize the vital importance of pledging to advocate for change and protect our shared future.
Everyone is welcome to take the pledge. Once you sign, Montana Earth Day organizers will keep in touch with next steps.

**Note: We will not be hosting in-person gatherings for Earth Day. Join the virtual rally at noon on Wednesday, April 22nd. Details at www.missoulaearthday.org.**

Sponsored by: Sunrise Movement Montana, Montana Sierra Club,  Families for a Livable Climate, Climate Smart Missoula, 350 Montana, Women Bike Missoula, Jeannette Rankin Peace Center, Home Resource, Missoula Urban Demonstration Project, City of Missoula Energy Conservation & Climate Action, Roxy Theatre, Extinction Rebellion Missoula, and 1000 New Gardens.

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