Feedback Form
Thank you for providing feedback about the Lyrids Folk Dance Festival held online April 30, 2022.

Please answer any or all questions.  Any  feedback is welcome and will be helpful.

Note that "Other" in multiple choice questions is an invitation to add anything you would like about the topic in the question.

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Do you have thoughts to pass on to any of our presenters?
Do you have any other comments about this Lyrids festival?
Which of the following describes you.  Please check all that apply.
Are you interested in attending the Lyrids Folk Dance Festival in person? See more about the festival here:
What country do you live in?
What province, state, or region do you live in?
What city do you live in?
Are you interested in learning partner dances during our next in-person festival? Please comment on what you think is a good mix.
Do you have any suggestions to make about teachers, countries, or cultures that you would like to have included in future in-person events?
May we contact you if we have questions about your responses?  If so, please leave us your email address.
If you provided your email, do you want to subscribe to the Lyrids newsletter? Note, you can do this yourself here: and have the option of in-person and/or online events.
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